"Luxury is my business “

Thursday, August 22, 1996


So many things....

Mixed feelings

Little sections of words,

Fragmented thoughts.

A deep voice echoing...

Keep opening and quickly closing my mind.

It's a sound so profound were

 I to surrender to a lonely pace

Yes, in time we knew almost nothing

 Of each other.

My love is the only truth left, my pride.

You can ride in futile possession.

But, the only thing you cannot erase,

 Is your shadow...

And then, I will became visible again.

-Jade da Rocha

Thursday, January 11, 1996

Love Dreams


I have space to love,

To speak, hear, walk.

To feel, to think...

To understand.

To ask for.

Space to look at you and to dream;

Dreams of love.

I have space to be with you,

To say how much I miss you

To want to love you

Without time to arrive,

 Nor day to leave.

And to be able to dance with you/

With the warmth of my soul.

I only have time and space...
For you!
-Jade da Rocha